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    Land reform in Vietnam - Wikipedia

    The land reform program was a success in terms of distributing much land to poor and landless peasants and reducing or eliminating the land holdings of landlords (địa chủ) and rich peasants. By 1960, there were 40,000 cooperatives spanning nearly nine-tenths of all farmland. Sjå meir

    French rule bilete

    Land reform in Vietnam began in the political turmoil following World War II in which a civil war pitted the communist Viet Minh against the French colonists and their supporters. At that time … Sjå meir

    There were two types of land ownership in precolonial Vietnam: Private ownership (this land could be traded freely) and state ownership (this land was primarily assigned to … Sjå meir

    During the period of French rule of Indochina (1887-1954) Vietnam consisted of three regions: Tonkin—the rice-growing area of the Sjå meir

    The Viet Minh—Vietnamese independence movement—fought to gain independence from France after World War II. They were … Sjå meir

    Landlords and rich peasants owned a greater percentage of land in South Vietnam, especially in the rich agricultural land of the Mekong … Sjå meir

    The rectification campaign begun by the Viet Minh revolutionaries continued under the communist government of North Vietnam from 1954 … Sjå meir

    The ultimate objective of the land reform program of the North Vietnamese government, which became the government of all Vietnam in 1975, was not to achieve … Sjå meir

    Wikipedia-tekst lisensiert under CC-BY-SA
  2. 50 Years On, Vietnamese Remember Land Reform Terror

    Nett8. juni 2006 · Photo: RFA. BANGKOK—Vietnam this year marks the 50th anniversary of a little-known political campaign known by the innocuous-sounding name of “land reform,” in which hundreds of thousands...

  3. Land reform in North Vietnam - Wikipedia

  4. Research Review: Chinese Influence in North Vietnam’s 1953 Land …

  5. Land Conflicts In Vietnam: Causes, Effects, And Solutions

  6. Land Inequality or Productivity: What Mattered in Southern …

  7. Nguyễn Thị Năm and the Land Reform in North Vietnam, 1953

  8. Nguyễn Thị Năm and the Land Reform in North …

    Nett1. feb. 2015 · This paper looks at the life and trial of landowner Nguyễn Thị Năm to illuminate Hồ Chí Minhs role in the decision to execute Nguyễn Thị Năm. It also examines the execution as part ...

  9. Triumphs or tragedies: A new perspective on the - JSTOR

  10. North Vietnam after the Geneva Accords - Alpha History

    NettIn 1957 Ho Chi Minh announced a “three-year plan for the development and reorganisation of the economy” This three-year plan (1958-60) would begin implementing socialist policies in North Vietnam. The Lao Dong initiated …