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    base (Hauptwort) · bases (Hauptwort im Plural)
    1. the lowest part or edge of something, especially the part on which it rests or is supported:
      "she sat down at the base of a tree"
      • architecture
        the part of a column between the shaft and pedestal or pavement.
      • botany
        the end at which a part or organ is attached to the trunk or main part:
        "a shoot is produced at the base of the stem"
      • geometry
        a line or surface on which a figure is regarded as standing:
        "the base of the triangle"
      • surveying
        a known line used as a geometrical base for trigonometry.
      • heraldry
        the lowest part of a shield.
    2. a conceptual structure or entity on which something draws or depends:
      "the town's economic base collapsed"
    3. a place used as a centre of operations by the armed forces or others; a headquarters:
      "he headed back to base"
      • the main place where a person works or stays:
        "she makes the studio her base" · "your hotel is a good base from which to explore"
    4. a main or important element or ingredient to which other things are added:
      "soaps with a vegetable oil base"
      • a substance into which a pigment is mixed to form paint, such as water, oil, or powdered aluminium hydroxide.
      • a substance used as a foundation for make-up:
        "her make-up artist works with base, eye make-up, and lipstick"
    5. chemistry
      a substance capable of reacting with an acid to form a salt and water, or (more broadly) of accepting or neutralizing hydrogen ions. Compare with acid and alkali.
      • biochemistry
        a purine or pyrimidine group in a nucleotide or nucleic acid.
    6. electronics
      the middle part of a bipolar transistor, separating the emitter from the collector.
    7. linguistics
      the root or stem of a word or a derivative.
      • the uninflected form of a verb.
    8. mathematics
      a number used as the basis of a numeration scale.
      • a number in terms of which other numbers are expressed as logarithms.
    9. baseball
      each of the four stations that must be reached in turn to score a run. See also first base.
    base (Verb) · bases (Dritte Person Präsens) · based (Präteritum) · based (Partizip Perfekt) · basing (Partizip Präsens) · -based (Adjektiv)
    1. (base something on)
      use (something specified) as the foundation or starting point for something:
      "the film is based on a novel by Pat Conroy" · "entitlement will be based on income"
      use as a basis
      emanate from
      derive from
      spring from
      stem from
      originate in
      have its origin in
      can be traced back to
    2. situate at a specified place as the centre of operations:
      "the Science Policy Review Unit is based at the University of Sussex" · "a London-based band"
    Middle English: from Old French, from Latin basis ‘base, pedestal’, from Greek.
    base (Adjektiv) · baser (vergleichendes Adjektiv) · basest (Adjektiv im Superlativ)
    late Middle English: from Old French bas, from medieval Latin bassus ‘short’ (found in classical Latin as a cognomen). Early senses included ‘low, short’ and ‘of inferior quality’; from the latter arose a sense ‘low in the social scale’, and hence (mid 16th century) ‘reprehensibly cowardly, selfish, or mean’.
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